Sensational New Impact Max - Clevertouch - Interactive Flatscreen

Sensational New Impact Max from Clevertouch

The New Impact Max from Clevertouch is simple and powerful, for maximum effect. The new Clevertouch range comes in a variety of sizes  65″ 4K, 75″ 4K, 86″ 4K and is the latest model in the Clevertouch range.

Clevertouch Impact Max – Surpassing Themselves

Over the past few years we have had PLUS Series, M Series, V Series, High Precision, Impact, Impact gen 2 but Clevertouch have surpassed themselves once again with the new Impact Max range Interactive Flat Screen. You can trust with Clevertouch this range will be as intuitive as their previous models, if not better.

Delivering a truly intuitive and collaborative experience, IMPACT Max is an interactive flat screen with unlimited possibilities. Combining high-quality design, functionality, durability for those rough and tumble classrooms, native screen sharing and 4K resolution, enhanced audio system, increased RAM & ROM which also runs on Android 11.

Clevertouch Impact Max - Interactive Flatscreens Schools Ireland

Impact Max Features

Here are some of the new features you can expect from the Impact MAX range of interactive flat screen:

  • Choice of colours – Space Grey or Indigo Blue
  • 2x 16 Watt Front Facing Speakers with Crystal Clear Audio
  • 4GB RAM
  • 32GB ROM
  • Built in Line Array Microphone
  • Latest Gen USB-C Connectivity for Hardware Optimization & Charging
  • Android 11 brings a whole new level of functionality

IFS Top 5 Clevertouch MAX Features

  1. 4K Android: It’s just the business. Stunning graphics, razor sharp content and the ability to capture images from the browser and blow them up without the major image quality loss. We love it.
  2. Audio Quality: The new speakers are insane. Front facing and super clear. They are miles ahead of most panels on the market and we know a thing or two about audio.
  3. New Indigo Blue Bezel with front facing Inputs: Firstly it’s Blue – LOVE IT! The front inputs are so handy, when you don’t want to have to reach around the side, perfect.
  4. The Super Cool Stylus: It just feels right.
  5. LYNX Whiteboard Onboard: The whiteboard app upgrade on this model is great. Once upon a time you had to download Lynx onto your laptop. Now it’s an app and It’s the new standard whiteboard on Impact MAX. The inbuilt YouTube and image search functions are exceptional.

Clevertouch Impact Max - Available Now Ireland - Interactive Flatscreen

Clevertouch Impact Max – Available Now

If you want to find out more about the Clevertouch Impact Max or are considering one for your school then give the Irish Clevertouch experts a call now on +353 1 466 0515 or contact us online to talk to a specialist today.

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Interactive Flat Screens

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