How Clevertouch - Floating Widget - Interactive Flatscreen Schools - Ireland

How To Clevertouch – Clevertouch Floating Widget

Our aim is to provide the best service and cater to the individual needs. We rely on our relationship with clients to build that trust that has seen us gain over 50 years in the field. We try to offer the best service in the industry and with that we have created How to Clevertouch Guides to show off the features of our Clevertouch range so clients and potential clients can see for themselves the ease and functionality of the Clevertouch panels. Our Clevertouch range possesses multiple features. Whatever app you are using on the panel you will always have the floating widget icon available to you. What is the floating widget you ask? Here we will explain exactly what you can do and how with our guide and video to show you the wide ranging options available to you.

How To Use Clevertouch Floating Widget

The floating widget allows the user a range of tools at your fingertips. No matter the app or device you are using through the Clevertouch panel the widget will always be available at the touch of your hand or stylus. The pen widget allows for the use of marking up a webpage, a video, a presentation, which also comes in various sizes, styles and colours. This tool is handy if you would like to highlight particular passages or areas of the panel. Cutting and pasting specific areas of a webpage or article allows for interchangeable documentation. These areas you wish to cut can be resized and reshaped to fit where you want them to.

Clevertouch Floating Widget Features

Other key aspects of the floating widget are the zoom feature, which allows for the zooming in and out of specific areas of interest. A spotlight tool allows for an area to be focused upon and the rest of the screen to darken as not to take away from the spotlighted area which can be handily moved around to reveal an answer or item you wish to remain hidden. A handy timer is also included for any tests or quizzes your class are timed on. Above is a handy video guide on what the floating widget can do and how easy it is to navigate.

Clevertouch Range Irish Schools - Interactive Flatscreens

Clevertouch Range for Schools

We hope you are enjoying our How to Guide videos and see how easy it is to navigate through the Clevertouch panels. Our expert team are always keen to answer any questions you may have regarding our Clevertouch range. We are dedicated to ensuring you receive not only sound advice but a proposal that suits your needs and budget. If you would like more info then please give us a call on +353 1 4660515 or contact us online.

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Interactive Flat Screens

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