How to Clevertouch - Cleverstore and Web Browser - IFS Ireland

How To Clevertouch – Cleverstore & Web Browser

The future is here. The Clevertouch range has brought the classroom into the modern world. No longer are chalk boards the staple of a classroom. With schools and teachers bringing a pedagogical approach to lessons the integration of technology has been crucial in seeing the approach as successful. With our How to Guides we want to showcase the vast options classrooms have at their fingertips with the Clevertouch panels.

How To Use The Cleverstore

Firstly, the Cleverstore has over 200 educational apps to choose from. All free and advert free. You can search for your given subject or topic and the search will bring up all the relevant apps for the chosen topic. You can also select the age range you wish to cater to. The search can be catered to the relevant parameters you set it. Another key feature of Clevertouch panels is the MDM software which allows multiple screens to share the same app. This is handy is the entire school were to partake in a quiz or presentation. The same images/apps can be used across all screens uniformly. Below is a video that demonstrates the ease of using the Cleverstore:

Understanding The Clevertouch Web Browser

The Clevertouch range also come standard with their own browser app. As would be expected, the browser app runs just like the standard browser on any laptop or PC. When the app is selected a keyboard will pop up allowing a search for the relevant website or search terms. As with other apps on the Clevertouch panels you can share amongst all Clevertouch screens in your building if you’re livestreaming an event or presentation online so every class can view simultaneously with the MDM software.
The browser app is fairly straightforward, as the video below will demonstrate:

Clevertouch Training Videos – More to Come

These videos are merely a start up guide for new users. We will be adding future posts to go into more detail on some of the specific features the Clevertouch range offers. As previously stated, we are always on hand for any queries regarding the Clevertouch range and we will always be ready to maintain our products to extend their life and save our customers money in the long term.

Clevertouch Range Irish Schools - Interactive Flatscreens

Clevertouch Range for Schools

If you would like more information regarding our Clevertouch range and how they can improve the learning experience in your school then please give our dedicated experts, with over 50 years of experience in the field, a call on +353 1 4660515 or contact us online.

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Interactive Flat Screens

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