
Where To Apply For ICT Funding

The ICT in Schools programme was established by the Department of Education in 1998 with the purpose of integrating ICT into teaching and learning and developing pupils’ digital literacy.

ICT Areas of Focus

ict-areas-of-focus-ict-fundingThe ICT programme focuses on four key areas:

  1. ICT infrastructure in schools
  2. Access to broadband
  3. Develop teachers’ ICT skills
  4. Integrate ICT within the curriculum

In October 2015 the dept. published the next stage of the programme, The Digital Strategy for Schools 2015-2020. The strategy provides a plan for integrating ICT into teaching, learning and assessment practices by 2020. The full text of the strategy can be viewed on the department’s website at education.ie

If you wish to avail of ICT funding, the bad news is there is no ICT infrastructure grant scheme at present. The good news is you can spend other grants on ICT equipment.

ICT Grants Available

The Minor Works grant provides funding for all primary schools. The money must be spent on physical infrastructure including ICT related equipment such as computers, printers, projectors, IFS and photocopiers. Schools do not need to apply to the dept. for approval as to how the money is spent. The grant is €5,500 basic and €18.50 for every mainstream pupil and €74 for every special needs pupil. Full details of the grant can be found on the department’s website.

The Capitation grant is available to primary and voluntary secondary schools and is based on the number of pupils enrolled in the school. It is intended for the general running of schools which, again, applies to ICT related equipment. Full details of the Capitation grant are available on the department’s website and the contact is ccfinancial@educate.gov.ie

ICT funding is also available via the department’s planning and building unit. It only applies to new classrooms and new schools. The unit’s functions include prioritizing the allocation of resources. Although it is primarily concerned with student accommodation, the department’s website makes it clear that ICT related equipment can be included as part of the unit’s spending.


There are also dept. funded training programmes for teachers. These are provided by the PDST (Professional Development Service for Teachers). Courses and other professional development opportunities are available to support ICT integration and help develop e-Learning. Full details can be got at the PDST website: pdsttechnologyineducation.ie. All courses are free and can be delivered online or face to face.

ICT For The Classroom

If you are looking to avail of some ICT funding and have any questions about how to apply then feel free to give us a call on +353 1 466 0515 or contact us online. If you have already received ICT funding then check out our range of ICT for the classroom!

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