Clevertouch V or Plus Series - Classroom Technology - Interactive Flat Screens Ireland

Clevertouch V or Plus Series? – Classroom Technology

So you have finally decided to take the plunge and invest in some state of the art classroom technology. You have decided that CLEVERTOUCH is the product for you but can’t decide on a V series or a PLUS series. Available in 55″-84″, All Clevertouch screens utilise the latest touchscreen technology, featuring multi touch that allows multiple users to interact and use gesture control. Combined with Full HD, and 4K models, high brightness and anti-glare as standard, images are always clearly visible. Let us help clarify the differences between the 2 ranges.

Differences Between Clevertouch V and PLUS Series

Spec Clevertouch Plus Clevertouch V Series
System Version 4.2.1 JellyBean 4.2.1 JellyBean
Android Chipset 6369 608
Android Resolution 1080p 720p
CPU ARM Cortex A9 Dual Core ARM Cortex A9 Dual Core
GPU Quad Core Quad Core
RAM 1.5GB 512MB
Clevernote YES YES
Widget YES YES
Cleverstore YES NO
Email Out YES NO
Plug-in Camera YES NO
App Installation YES NO
Magnetic Pen YES NO
No. of Pens 2 3
Glass Type Anti-Glare Anti-Reflective
Front Android USB Ports 2 1
CleverLynx YES YES
SnowFlake YES YES
DisplayNote YES YES
HDMI, VGA, USB, Audio cables YES NO

Advantages of Interactive Flat Screens Over Traditional Interactive Whiteboards

Differences Between Clevertouch V and PLUS Series - Interactive Flat ScreensIn the table below you can clearly see the main spec differences between the 2 ranges of Clevertouch Interactive Flat Screens.There are so many advantages of Interactive Flatscreen displays over traditional Interactive whiteboard systems, here are some less obvious differences:

  • A Clevertouch screen does not require specific pens, this means no more hunting for the missing black, and no pricey replacements when it can’t be found.
  • No calibration is required, so a Clevertouch on a trolley can be moved from classroom to ICT suite to school hall and back again with no additional set up needed.
  • These days children are familiar and adept with touch screen technology. With wide use of tablets and smartphones at home, children find Clevertouch intuitive to use and an engaging way to learn.
  • Using a Clevertouch is a fun, interesting and informative way to deliver the curriculum.

Our Verdict – Clevertouch V or PLUS Series?

At a glance both models look and feel the same. They are incredibly intuitive and easy to use. Turn on and go! With both systems you can instantly utilise a white boarding environment, run a video in stunning resolution with high quality audio, Browse the web , and annotate without even connecting your laptop. This is unbelievable. VGA & HDMI Connectivity is identical on both models. (3 of each)

The V-Series is the perfect value solution for a smaller budget but with all the essential features of the Clevertouch Plus. The PLUS series has a beefier Android platform with more RAM, ROM, Higher graphics resolution, wifi enabled, App installation and CLEVERSTORE which offers a stunning APP download environment with High quality vetted applications chosen for education. With the PLUS you also get a slightly upgraded glass. (Anti glare compared to the Anti reflective V series offering) Both look great and there is no glare issues with either. I understand the PLUS glass is slightly tougher. Both models come with a 5 year onsite warranty from

Advantages of Interactive Flat Screens Over Traditional Interactive Whiteboards

Most likely your decision will boil down to budget, if you can, go for the PLUS, the extras are worth it. If multiple classrooms are involved the V Series offers a higher grade solution than you will find anywhere for the price. Either way you will not be disappointed. Call us anytime on 01 4660515 or email me directly at for advice, opinion or just to say hi. You can also contact us online here.

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Interactive Flat Screens

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