Clevertouch - Mobile Device Managment - Interactive Flatscreen for Schools Ireland

Clevertouch – New Mobile Device Management (MDM) System Deployment

We here at IFS are delighted to reveal the new MDM software that comes with our Clevertouch screens. MDM (Mobile Device Management) allows for centralised control from remote locations. This is an exciting new advancement which comes at the perfect time with Covid-19 still rampant. Now hundreds of screens can be controlled from a remote location meaning a much safer environment. No need to have someone going around your school accessing each screen individually.

Mobile Device Management Features - Clevertouch - Interactive Flatscreens Schools - Ireland

Features of Mobile Device Management (MDM) Systems

Below is a list of new features which MDM enables for users:

  • Control hundreds of Clevertouch devices remotely
  • Create groups to make sure each screen has the most suitable apps and files for where it is used, such as C-Suite, Design Studios, Maths Class, Reception Class, corporate boardroom, huddle room, etc.
  • Take control of the Clevertouch screen from your desktop
  • Install APKs, policies and files
  • Push messages directly to the Clevertouch display, ideal for security announcements
  • Anti-theft module – Lock, unlock and reset displays
  • Restart or shutdown multiple screen/s remotely by a single click
  • Wipe the screen

Optionally, Clevertouch MDM can serve as the basis for managing other devices in the organisation (Android, Windows, iOS and Chrome OS) from a single console, such as: desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones.

MDM Will Save Time and Money

IT support will no longer need to perform diagnostics on each screen having remote access to every screen. This will save time and money in the long run. It also ensures the safety of your classrooms. Shaun Marklew, of Clevertouch, had this to say “No longer will IT support have to perform diagnostics on each screen, using a new centralised MDM system will save Clevertouch users valuable time and we’ll also give them a new option of switching off and wiping the screen remotely. Radix are the leaders in MDM control and we’re excited to be working with them on this project”

Interactive Flatscreen for Irish Schools with MDM - Education

Interactive Flatscreens With A Proven Track Record in Education

These screens have a proven track record in the education sector. With 50+ years of experience in the audio-visual field we’ve had so much positive feedback regarding our interactive flatscreen options and how each school and student benefits from their use. We’re extremely excited with this new solution for our Clevertouch line of screens. If you’d like a more in depth conversation on how this technology will benefit your school then give us a call on +353 1 466 0515 or contact us online.

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