Clevertouch Study from an Irish School - Interactive Flat Screens

Clevertouch Case Study From An Irish School

Clevertouch Irish Case Study

Far from dumbing down education, making learning fun and pleasurable actually helps children to absorb more by keeping them interested and attentive. It stimulates their minds into further enquiry and that is what learning should be all about, right? Across Ireland, the interactive flat screen is making education more fun and effective for pupils. Scoil Aonghasa in Tallaght is one such school. Here is its story.

Getting Interested In Clevertouch

Founded in 1975, the school currently takes care of 189 boys and girls and has 17 teachers. In 2007 Theresa Clarke became principal and she decided that the time had come to introduce the latest in learning technology to the general classroom. She decided that the school needed to ‘leap frog’ projector technology as they can be troublesome, requiring bulb changes, filter cleaning and posing visibility problems.

We really wanted to find the best solution we could for our funds and this was when we became interested in the Clevertouch. We really wanted something that was going to make the teaching a more pleasurable experience and the learning a more pleasurable experience.

Clevertouch Case Study from an Irish School - Scoil Aonghasa

Dramatic Results

So, in partnership with Toomey AV, the school purchased eight interactive touch screens. After being installed by experts from the dealer, the results were dramatic. ‘Just looking into the classrooms now there is really no comparison in the quality with what we have been using in the past…I went into the classroom the other day and one of the kids said to me, “all we need now are recliner chairs and popcorn.” As far as I’m concerned that was the final approval.’

We Chose Toomey AV

Partnering with Toomey AV & was a natural step for the school.

‘In the end there was really no contest, we chose Toomey AV. We know the team in Toomey as they had serviced our projectors in the past. The guys were very reliable, and they have built up a trust with us over the years. The guys don’t just talk off the top of their heads and they always have given us good value.’

Upgrade School ICT Case Study

Bring Your School Up To Speed

So, trust Toomey AV for an IFS solution that is second to none. We’ve been dealing with these machines since they came out on the market and, in choosing to partner with Clevertouch, we have selected the best brand out there. The interactive touch screen truly is a leap in progress as far as learning technology goes. Bring your school up to speed by investing in a Clevertouch interactive flat screen. They really do provide a fun and flawless learning experience for children.

If you’d like to get your school’s ICT up to speed then give us a call now on +353 1 466 0515 or contact us online for more info!

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